Relationship Deal Breakers

What Is a Deal Breaker?

It is anything that turns  you off. Things that annoy you. Things that you don’t want in your relationship. Things that make your relationship dull.

For example, for women, the most significant deal-breaking factors in short-term relationships were being abusive and filthy; and for long-term relationships, they were the same two, plus being unattractive.

While everyone will have their own unique list of deal-breakers and makers when they’re searching for a new partner, it’s clear that there are some factors that are universal – especially when it comes to people’s attitudes and actions.

Below are some very common Relationship Deal-Breakers–


Dishonesty is at the top of this list when we talk about the Relationship Deal breakers. Lying is simply not okay. Whether it’s lying about meeting an ex or lying about loving things that you don’t really like, it is just not acceptable. The whole point of a relationship is to be yourself and trust your significant other! Your relationship should be your comfort blanket, not a series of lies.

Controlling Behaviour

While many girls may feel it is normal and won’t pay much heed to it, Nobody has the right to forcefully make you behave a certain way. While it is absolutely normal for your better half to have an opinion on what you do and maybe even try to convince you to do something, they do not have a right to impose their views on you forcefully. Know that you are his partner and not a slave.


Any form of abuse, be it emotional, physical etc is a definite deal-breaker. If you are in any form of abusive relationship, get out of it as soon as possible. And if you feel trapped, please talk to someone about it and get help immediately. Abuse is a very serious and traumatic thing and hence should never be endured.

Plans are Cancelled on multiple occasions

Sure, there are legitimate reasons that your partner may be doing this, such as being called into work unexpectedly and extra time at work but feeling like the person you’re so in love is bailing on your company in favour of partying with their friends that too very often is definitely shady.

If you find that your partner has started doing this, it may be signs of a deeper problem in the relationship.

You Want Different Things

Sometimes, even if you really love each other, your relationship game just isn’t meant to work out because of differences in opinion and likes.

He wants Pizza, you want a burger.

He wants to save money, you love shopping.

He wants kids, you’re fine enjoying life as a couple.

Even if you get along well, these fundamental differences in your goals and where you see your lives going are going to cause serious resentment problems later on.

They are way too Selfish

We’re Humans and no doubt we are all selfish sometimes, but some people are unbelievably selfish.

If you feel like you’re doing your best for your partner and all they’re doing is taking it for granted, focusing on themselves, and taking advantage of your kindness, it may be time to re-check your relationship.

You’re Always Fighting

Do you and your spouse has a tendency to fight over small and petty things?

It is obvious that, even happy couples argue, but constantly fighting and arguing with your partner is one of the relationship deal breakers as it shows that you have poor communication skills and much poorer compatibility.

Communication plays a very crucial role when it comes to a healthy, happy relationship. Couples need to be able to talk to each other in order to build love, resolve problems, and get closer to each other. This means addressing problems as soon as they arise, not letting them sit and turn into huge fights down the line. Follow the policy of Not going to bed angry.

You Don’t Share Values

We all know that opposites attract— but that doesn’t always mean they are the most compatible partners.

If you are passionate about your faith and your spouse has opposing beliefs that upsets you, it could mean that your relationship wasn’t meant to be.

If you’re going to be in a relationship with someone with opposing values and opinions, be aware of this that it will take a great deal of time to work through how you talk about and handle those things in a peaceful manner. If you simply don’t have the patience or desire to do so, it’s time to walk away and start over new.


If you are constantly scrutinizing your partner’s statements, are doubting them more often than not, and are spending sleepless nights replaying what they said, chances are you don’t find your partner to be trustworthy. This lack of trust could stem from them lying to you often, which is not acceptable in a relationship.


Being in love or married to someone, there will always be struggles and differences in opinions. But this does not mean you give up on each other. Relationship is all about building up each other, though many obstacles may come, life and relationship is all about understanding and trust. The above are the deal breakers but you can always change it into deal makers.